
Focus Shift by LCRB Compliance & Enforcement Division

LCRB Compliance & Enforcement Division

For a variety of reasons, LCRB compliance is getting greater focus. Here’s what you need to know:

In recent years, LCRB inspectors have devoted a significant part of their time to ensuring that licensed businesses in BC comply with the administrative requirements of their particular class of licence and that relevant documentation and records are available for inspection. This was due both to the direction LCRB management took, the emergence of COVID-19, and the different roles inspectors had to take regarding pandemic restrictions.
Obviously, licensees should continue to ensure their records are compliant and available; but they should also be aware that in recent times the LCRB focus has shifted, once again, back towards ‘public safety’ issues:
LCRB Compliance and Enforcement Program intends to reduce liquor and non-medical cannabis-related threats to public safety, including
  • Minors consuming alcohol or cannabis
  • Overcrowding
  • After-hours liquor consumption
  • Overservice – Service to Intoxicated patrons.
The enforcement process follows a specific order. Serious or repeated contraventions might mean the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) has to take enforcement action.

What does this mean for licensees and licensed businesses?

We recently highlighted the return of secret shoppers. Essentially, licensees should expect more inspections during busy periods and later at night, combined with covert inspection strategies, including minor testing by the Minor Agents Program (MAP) and unannounced visits from Inspectors from outside your area, who are unlikely to be known locally.
It is interesting to note that ski resort areas are often viewed as higher-risk areas for public safety issues. With ski season approaching, licensees that are based in these facilities and in resort communities should consider this during staff orientation sessions.
Licensees should ensure that their staff are carrying out their duties in a manner that ensures compliance by providing and documenting appropriate training; and by identifying potential risks for noncompliance specific to their business.
We do offer various avenues of support, and strategies to help Licensees and their staff manage risks, remain compliant and demonstrate due diligence. Please feel free to reach out to learn more….