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Bottle Service Comes to BC

The BC Government has recently changed the Terms and Conditions of their Liquor Primary Licences to permit ‘Bottle Service’….
Licensees with a Liquor Primary Licence can now offer this service without any application to amend their licence.
Heres what you need to know (courtesy of LCRB Bulletin 25-01:
“Liquor Primary establishments are now permitted to sell and serve a whole bottle of spirits, commonly known as bottle service.
Bottle service is a VIP experience primarily offered in nightclubs and bars. It may include a reserved table, a bottle of spirits, and a dedicated server at a premium price. The server pours the spirits according to maximum serving sizes. The ice, drink mix and garnishes may be provided at the table for patrons to add themselves.
Licensees who sell and serve a bottle of spirits (bottle service), must follow these terms and conditions:
You must not pour more than the maximum serving size per patron at any time.
A whole bottle of spirits must not be sold within the last hour of liquor service.
You must maintain control of the bottle of spirits during liquor service and have a system to ensure that patrons do not self-serve.
Any remaining liquor in the bottle can be stored for the patron’s exclusive use if you have created secure and separate storage for this purpose.
In Liquor Primary Clubs with locker room privileges, the bottle of spirits may alternatively be stored by the member in their locker.
Any remaining liquor must be disposed of immediately if separate storage measures have not been established.”
Please feel free to give us a call, or send a message, if you have questions, or ideas on changing your licensed business incorporating bottle service……
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