
Becoming a Duly Diligent Licensed Business

due diligence for licensed businesses

To become a licensed business, you must perform due diligence to make the process as efficient and easy as possible.

In British Columbia, the Provincial Government is responsible for the vast majority of Compliance and Enforcement arising from contraventions of legislation and policy by both Liquor and Cannabis Licensees.

In almost every case, the key to any licensee’s defence against alleged contraventions is to demonstrate that they were duly diligent in their efforts to prevent the contravention from occurring. How can licensees provide such a defence? Follow these core principles:

  • Educate – train your staff to be diligent and to be aware of the challenges and issues they will face.
  • Practice – encourage your staff to employ best practices both from industry and those protocols specific to your business.
  • Implement – ensure that the training and practices you require your staff to invest in are being implemented on a day-to-day basis
  • Collate – collect evidence that you have taken the above steps.

There is little point in creating a culture of diligence when you can’t fully demonstrate that you have done so. Following this program (EPIC) will create a safe, compliant environment for your staff and customers. It will also reduce the risk of contraventions arising or enforcement action being taken against your business. It may also help manage your liabilities should allegations be made against your business under civil proceedings.

We can help you with every stage of this program and assist you in putting a tailored system in place that will easily become part of your day-to-day in-house policies.

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